2023-10-06 05:10Press release

Ragn-Sells' new ‘What a waste!’ campaign aims to change the view on waste

Ragn-Sells' new ‘What a waste!’ campaign aims to change the view on waste.The environmental company Ragn-Sells launches a campaign entitled ‘What a waste!’, aiming to change outdated views on waste and drive the transition towards a circular society.

Our waste is a treasure chest filled with raw materials that can be reused, but more often are not. Today, the environmental company Ragn-Sells launches a campaign entitled ‘What a waste!’, aiming to change outdated views on waste and drive the transition towards a circular society. 

- If we are serious about creating a sustainable society, we must use the resources we already have, over and over again. But this requires a completely new perspective on waste. The 'What a waste!' campaign is designed to inspire more people to think circular," says Cecilia Zarbell, Brand and Communications Director at Ragn-Sells. 

When a product has served its purpose, it becomes waste, which contains valuable raw materials that can be reused. However, according to the United Nations, half of the world's climate emissions and 90 percent of the threat to biodiversity are still caused by the constant pursuit of new natural resources for everything we produce. 

- What a waste! Our trash is a treasure chest filled with valuable resources. But in order to harness them, we need to start seeing waste as the sustainable source of raw materials it actually is. With today's legislation, it's cheaper to extract new resources than to use the ones we already have, and we have to change that, says Cecilia Zarbell. 

The ‘What a waste!' campaign was launched on 6 October 2023. It has been developed and designed in collaboration with Mattias Johansson, Art director at Brigad, and freelance copywriter Daniela von Polgar. The purpose of the campaign, which spans the entire Ragn-Sells Group, is to showcase Ragn-Sells' perspective on waste and the necessary transition to a more circular society. The campaign will primarily run in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Estonia. 

 Read more about the campaign here www.ragnsells.com/whatawaste 

For further information, please contact: 
Cecilia Zarbell, Brand and Communications Director, Ragn-Sells, +46 (0)70-927 24 00, cecilia.zarbell@ragnsells.com 
Emma Ranerfors, Press Officer, Ragn-Sells, +46 (0)10-723 24 16, press@ragnsells.com  

About Ragn-Sells Group

The environmental company Ragn-Sells converts waste into raw materials that can be used over and over again. Ragn-Sells drives the transition to a circular economy through solutions that reduce its own and other actors' environmental and climate impact. Ragn-Sells wants to be living proof that caring for the earth and business go hand in hand. Ragn-Sells is a family owned corporate group founded in 1881. The company operates in four countries and employs 2,500 people. In 2022, Ragn-Sells’ turnover was SEK 8.7 billion. www.ragnsells.com


Emma Ranerfors
Press Officer
Emma Ranerfors