2021-09-24 11:24Press release

Ragn-Sells one of Sweden's Best Managed Companies 2021

On 23 September, the environmental company Ragn-Sells was presented as one of Sweden's Best Managed Companies 2021, a quality award for Swedish private companies presented by the consulting and auditing company Deloitte in collaboration with Nasdaq.

Sweden's Best Managed Companies is a quality award given to Swedish private companies based on criteria that assess strategic focus, operational structure, corporate culture, and economic development. Behind the award is Deloitte in collaboration with Nasdaq.

- Ragn-Sells plays an important role in the transformation to a sustainable society and we are very proud to receive this award. It’s a confirmation that we have structures in place and that our work is permeated by the strategic direction that we have developed together and that we believe is required to achieve our goals, says Lars Lindén, CEO of Ragn-Sells.

Other winners 2021, in alphabetical order; Ballingslöv International, Consafe Logistics, EasyPark, engcon, ESBE, JVAB, Pulsen, Pågen, Roxtec, Sigma Technology, Steelwrist, WorkShop

For more information, please contact:
Emma Ranerfors, Press Officer at Ragn-Sells, +46 10 723 24 16, press@ragnsells.com

Facts: Sweden's Best Managed Companies
Best Managed Companies was founded by Deloitte in Canada in 1993 and has since been established in over 20 countries around the world. Sweden's Best Managed Companies was launched in 2018 and in 2019 the award was presented for the first time in Sweden. The purpose is to highlight well-run private Swedish companies that form an important part of Swedish business life.

This year's jury consists of Jenny Rosberg, CEO of ROPA Management, entrepreneur and board professionals, Kim Persson, serial entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Sjö & Hav Outdoor Care and Håkan Sjögren, Managing Director and responsible for listings on Nasdaq in Stockholm.

Although the program is basically a competition, coaching is an important part. A team from Deloitte together with the company makes a screening that shows what strengths there are and what can be developed. The work provides a detailed analysis of the business with a focus on strategic and operational issues.

About Ragn-Sells Group

Ragn-Sells is a family owned corporate group, with operations in four countries. We started our journey in 1881, and since 1966 we have been involved in waste management, environmental services, and recycling. We collect, treat, detoxify, and recycle waste and residual products from businesses, organisations, and households so that they can become feedstock into new production processes. www.ragnsells.com


Emma Ranerfors
Press Officer
Emma Ranerfors