2020-09-17 05:30Press release

Ragn-Sells strengthen its public affairs presence in Brussels


The environmental company Ragn-Sells has entered a collaboration with Maria Wetterstrand, CEO of the consulting company Miltton Europe in Brussels and former spokesperson of Miljöpartiet (the Green Party in Sweden). By influencing decision makers on EU level, Ragn-Sells wants to fast-track the transition to a circular economy, a change currently being slowed down by outdated legislation.

– The EU has the ambition to transform into a circular economy, but laws and regulations from the previous century stand in the way of real change. Through our collaboration with Maria Wetterstrand and Miltton, who have deep knowledge of EU decision-making, we want to change that, says Pär Larshans head of Sustainability & Public Affairs at Ragn-Sells.

An important issue for Ragn-Sells to drive on EU level is the principle that quality must be prioritised over origin. Today, the same raw material has different legislative conditions depending on whether it is produced from virgin materials, for example from a mine, or recycled from something that is classified as waste. Ragn-Sells have circular solutions for recycling important nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

– Our way of living today is based on an unsustainable use of virgin resources. Therefore, we need to move to a society based on a circular economy, but as long as recycled raw materials are treated as the worse alternative, it is not possible to close the loops, says Pär Larshans.

Ragn-Sells is the Swedish company with the most people on the EU’s so-called transparency register, a list where those who want to influence decision-making processes need to be registered. So far, Ragn-Sells have not had a permanent representative in Brussels, but this is now changing with this new collaboration with Miltton Europe.

– Many of the difficulties circular companies are facing are regulated at EU level. I look forward to help Ragn-Sells influence the decisions in a more circular and sustainable direction. Nordic companies have an important mission in Brussels to modernise the regulations around sustainability and secure Europe´s leading role in this transformation, says Maria Wetterstrand CEO of Miltton Europe.

Miltton is a Nordic group of companies in areas such as communication, marketing, public relations and public affairs with operations in Finland, Sweden and Estonia, among others. Maria Wetterstrand was hired in 2017 and was this year commissioned to lead Miltton Europe, the group’s public affairs team in Brussels.

For more information, please contact;

Pär Larshans, head of Sustainability & Public Affairs, Ragn-Sells
+46(0)70-927 29 63, par.larshans@ragnsells.com

Maria Wetterstrand, CEO Miltton Europe
+46(0)70-242 41 62, maria.wetterstrand@miltton.com

Ragn-Sells Media Office
+46(0)70-927 24 00, medialinjen@ragnsells.com

About Ragn-Sells Group

The Ragn-Sells Group is a privately held corporate group, operating companies in four countries.