2020-05-15 07:30Press release

Ragn-Sells Sustainability Report available online


Environmental company Ragn-Sells has published its sustainability report for 2019. The report, which is presented online on ragnsells.com and according to the GRI standards, summarizes the Ragn-Sells sustainability achievements in 2019 and provides an overview of the company’s sustainability work in four strategic areas.

Ragn-Sells Group presents its third sustainability report prepared in accordance with GRI Standards; core level. The report is a compilation of Ragn-Sells activities and efforts related to environmental, social and economic sustainability. For the first time, the report is presented in an online format on ragnsells.com.

– As we are an environmental company, we bear a particular responsibility for the environment, society and the evolving expectations of all stakeholders. This makes it even more important for us not only to report on our sustainability activities and achievements in a transparent way, but to also live up to our sustainability ambitions in our daily work, says Miranda Jensen Head of Health, Safety & Environment at Ragn-Sells Group.

Ragn-Sells long term sustainability strategy supports the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030. We have identified four focus areas that will guide Ragn-Sells towards a sustainable and responsible business in 2030. These focus areas are:

  • Value creation and innovation
  • People and culture
  • Climate and environment
  • Responsible relations

– During 2019 Ragn-Sells has defined and agreed on the ambitions for our contribution to a more sustainable planet.We will be climate positive in 2030 through innovative circular solutions that both detoxify and recycle back critical resources to society, says Pär Larshans, Sustainability Director, Ragn-Sells Group.

For more information, please contact:
Pär Larshans, Sustainability Director, Ragn-Sells Group
+46 70-927 29 63, par.larshans@ragnsells.com
Miranda Jensen, Head of Health, Safety & Environment, Ragn-Sells Group
+46 70-925 78 78, miranda.jensen@ragnsells.com
Ragn-Sells Media Services
+46 70-927 24 00, medialinjen@ragnsells.com 

About Ragn-Sells Group

The Ragn-Sells Group is a privately held corporate group, operating companies in four countries.


Emma Ranerfors
Press Officer
Emma Ranerfors